The detox green smoothie


Green smoothies are a great way to restart and boost your immune system, whichever type of day you’re having this detox green smoothie is a great way to put some self-care back into your day.


  • 350ml Water
  • 1 handful of frozen bananas & strawberry fruit mix
  • 50g diced cucumber
  • 1 half avocado
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 tablespoon spirulina or a mix of super greens powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil


  • Place all ingredients into a blender/smoothie maker of your choice and blend until smooth…Enjoy!

Loving this smoothie so far? why not try our beautifying glow green smoothie for the ultimate new you!

The Wellbeing Agent



The key benefit of this green smoothie is its ability to detox whilst hydrating the body and skin, feel like you again whilst feeling brand new and rejuvenated. Thanks to the key nutrients in cucumber which are magnesium and potassium, that help to regulate and lower blood pressure and cucumber’s hydrating properties that carry antioxidants helping to slow down the aging process, your body and skin are able to feel more supple, youthful and plump.


Additional ingredients that make this the go-to detox and rejuvenating smoothie are the super greens and fatty acid contents. super greens are high in antioxidants and help to flush out toxins, clearing the immune system and nurturing you to better health, the fatty acids from avocado and coconut oil help keep you satiated, and your bowels regulated. Among fitness professionals, coconut oil is the key ingredient to a smoothie as it has the highest level of MCT (medium-chain triglycerides). MCT is great for promoting weight loss and improving brain functions, so this makes for an additional benefit to your detox.

Turmeric is an added benefit known to aid detoxification.

Energy regulating

The frozen strawberry and banana contain natural sugars that add sweetness to the green smoothie, but most importantly its sugars aren’t refined or processed, therefore, you won’t find yourself feeling low throughout the day.

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Hi there, I´m Naydeen

I help women build a better relationship with food and develop mental resiliency